
Welcome Letter

Dear Delegates of the Model United Nations:

It is both an honor and a privilege to invite you to the fourteenth annual session of the Concordia International School Model United Nations. After a three year hiatus amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we are once again inviting schools from all over the world to restore CISSMUN as a platform for global exchange. Regardless of the role you play in the CISSMUN conference, whether chair, judge, delegate or member of the press corps, we hope that the weekend’s work will leave you with a heightened understanding of the social and political challenges confronting the international community, and that you will come away more practiced in the arts of public speaking, negotiation and compromise. We are confident that by the time the gavel falls to mark the closing of CISSMUN XIV, each of you will have played a part in making the conference a success. For this we thank you in advance.

Beyond this, though, our aspiration for CISSMUN XIV is not merely that the simulation will benefit the individual participants or that its success will be another feather in the Concordia cap. Rather, we hope that you will view your participation as the critical first step in cultivating an ethic of service to others. We hope that by bringing into sharper relief the magnitude of the challenges confronting the international community, the conference will inspire each of us to match words with actions and to find ways in which we can make a difference to those less fortunate than ourselves. If we succeed in this charge, if we find it within ourselves to take our newfound knowledge and use it to lighten the load of the world’s least fortunate, then, truly, the conference has served its purpose. We task each of you with that charge, and say with great confidence that we know you won’t disappoint. We look forward to your active participation in the fourteenth annual session of the CISSMUN conference, and we wish you every success.

Kind Regards,

The CISSMUN Secretariat
Concordia International School Shanghai