Committees and Topics

General Assembly 1

Regulating the use of Artificial Intelligence in K-12 education

Implementing measures to maintain stability in regions of religious conflict

Enhancing international cooperation to address cybersecurity threats

General Assembly 3

Addressing the underlying causes of protests driven by sociocultural grievances

Implementing measures to address water scarcity in war-torn regions

Addressing the proliferation of gang violence in Haiti and its effect on vulnerable communities

General Assembly 4

Implementing measures to ensure safe and sustainable disposal of nuclear waste

Addressing the practice of micro-targeting in regards to political advertising on social media

Regulating the militarization of the Arctic and Antarctic regions

Security Council

Addressing the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict

Addressing the ongoing cyber warfare in the Russian-Ukraine conflict

Addressing the Sahel crisis

Environmental Committee

Mitigating the impacts of the Fukushima oil spill

Developing measures to alleviate the damage caused by forest fires in the Amazon forest

Promoting climate-resilient urban development through methods of green urban planning

Human Rights Council (HRC)

Implementing measures to prevent online sexual coercion and exploitation

Devising measures to protect the human rights of individuals incarcerated for drug-related offenses in Mexico

Developing measures to regulate internet shutdowns during protests and civil unrest in Sudan

Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Addressing the rapid legalization policies of illicit narcotics

Addressing high inflation and underemployment in developed countries

Implementing measures to promote the consumption of bioengineered foods to increase food security

UN Commission on the Status of Women

Addressing the use of the secret police and violence against women's rights in Iran

Implementing measures to improve women's reproductive rights

Combatting economic inequalities for women in rural countries

UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development

Implementing measures to enhance private investment and entrepreneurship in developing nations

Addressing the ethical implementation of Artificial Intelligence in law enforcement

Ensuring equal global access to emerging biotechnological innovations

UN High Commissioner for Refugees

Protecting the rights of Ukrainian refugees in neighboring countries

Implementing measures to ensure refugees’ access to jobs and financial services

Promoting socioeconomic integration of refugees through education and employment

UN High Commission for Social Development

Ensuring the rights of foreign migrant workers in South Asia

Regulating the implementation of international social justice law in accordance with local culture

Addressing the issues informal settlements face regarding urban development

UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII)

Promoting cultural tourism in areas of indigenous people

Ensuring effective promotion of the 'declaration on the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities'

Safeguarding African cultural values and self-determination in the face of neocolonialism

UN Childrenʼs Fund (UNICEF)

Combating child poverty to ensure inclusive development for every child

Establishing measures to ensure quality education for children affected by armed conflict

Developing measures to establish equitable healthcare security for vulnerable populations

UN Population Fund (UNFPA)

Regulating the effects of rising populations in African urban areas

Implementing measures to address factors behind high maternal mortality rates

Ensuring the accessibility of contraceptives for those in high-risk regions

Commission on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space (COPUOS)

Mitigating the impact of global waste in outer-space

Implementing measures to allow equitable access to the benefits of outer space exploration

Addressing the exploration and usage of outer Space by international cooperations

World Food Programme

Preventing food scarcity as a result of climate change in South America

Discussing accessibility to long-term sources of food in the aftermath of emergency or disaster

Addressing food insecurity in urban areas

World Health Assembly

Addressing the consequences of fraudulent or misleading claims in medicine

Expanding the accessibility of primary healthcare in less economically developed countries

Eliminating the practice of organ trafficking in Southeast Asia